Show Record - Apache Slow Gin Fizz

Dog Info Page | Conformation Shows | Obedience Trials | Enter in Shows

Show Handler Placing Judge
Oars 17 - (Puppy) Owner 3rd in Class Aileen Ley 2/1/2024
Clear Run 38 - (Puppy) Owner 4th in Class Steven Bolton 2/2/2024
GaylanStudio2 All Breed 24-02-03 - (Puppy) Owner DNP Charles Britton 2/3/2024
Fall Leaves 173 - (Puppy) Owner DNP Pat Baldwin 2/4/2024
AirMid 98 - (Puppy) Owner DNP Lean Hoeffner 2/5/2024
TNT 298th All Breed Show - (Puppy) Owner 4th in Class Kimberly Cunningham 2/12/2024
ZTSM Show 10 - (Puppy) Owner 4th in Class Roosevelt Bomar 2/13/2024
Dondaig Valentine Special - (Puppy) Owner 3rd in Class Charles Stallings 2/14/2024
Wyvern All Breed Show 24-02-15 - (Puppy) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Petra Anderson 2/15/2024
Solcintra All Breed 83 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner 2nd in Class Alexander Crossland 2/16/2024
Kirkstall All-Breed 24-02-17 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Abigail Cave 2/17/2024
BourneAcres All-Breed 24-02-18 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Winners
(3 pts)
Petar Amelia 2/18/2024
Here Be Dragons 240219 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Winners Bitch
(2 pts)
Nancy Wilson 2/19/2024
Clwyds February 20th All Breed Show - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Winners Bitch
(2 pts)
Anthony Lara 2/20/2024
Jester Dogs 295th All Breed Show - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Winners Bitch
(3 pts)
Ursula Chavez 2/21/2024
Caulfeilds February 22nd All Breed Show - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Winners Bitch
(2 pts)
Paul Taylor 2/22/2024
ZTSM Show 11 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Winners Bitch
(2 pts)
Paul Taylor 2/23/2024

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
The third obedience title is a UD, or "Utility Dog", which is earned through competition in the Utility obedience class