Show Record - Jazi Ilyse

Dog Info Page | Conformation Shows | Obedience Trials | Enter in Shows

Show Handler Placing Judge
CanmoreKennels All Breed 23-12-05 - (Puppy) Owner 2nd in Class Stephen Butler 12/5/2023
Eskimook 16 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Jeff Dunbar 12/23/2023
STL all breed 55
(Current Entries)
Owner 2nd in Class Richard Mitchell 12/24/2023
Down Under All Breed 49 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner 3rd in Class Rose Clark 12/28/2023
Southern Cross 5 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best in Breed
(4 pts)
Jared Weiderhold 12/30/2023
December 2023 World Cup
(Current Entries)
Owner 2nd in Class Victor Wood 12/31/2023
Canmore1 All Breed 24-01-05 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Blanca Taylor 1/5/2024
Solcintra All Breed 74
(Current Entries)
Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Patrick Tatum 1/6/2024
All For Fun 1/7/24 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 1st in Class Frederick Moore 1/7/2024
GaylanStudio5 All Breed 24-01-15
(Current Entries)
Owner Best in Breed
(5 pts)
Ronald Brooks 1/15/2024
Australian All Breed 75 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Best in Breed
(5 pts)
Elizabeth Looney 1/17/2024
TRH all breed 70
(Current Entries)
Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Ronald Brooks 1/18/2024
Comet Presents All Breed Bonanza 88 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 2nd in Class Maria Mohr 1/19/2024
Clear Run 36 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Best in Breed
(5 pts)
Sandra Conway 1/20/2024
January 2024 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Forest Gillespie 1/31/2024

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
A specialty show may be regional or national. A "Best in Show" win at a national specialty show is tremendously prestigious, indicating that the winning dog or bitch triumphed at a contest which attracted entries from the most serious fanciers of that breed in the country or continent. Some specialty shows attract international entries.