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Topic Author Replies Last Post
open topic Litter of puppies MsMousey34 0 5/2/2022 11:51:58 PM
open topic Ch †Gothikas† Take My Picture has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 5/1/2022 1:10:10 AM
open topic Richwood Pretty Penny has earned the title of Bronze Dam. admin 0 4/16/2022 5:02:29 AM
open topic Ch Richwood Back to Gothika has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 3/7/2022 7:14:13 AM
open topic Ch Gothika`s Thunderstruck has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 11/12/2021 1:15:00 AM
open topic Ch MomentoMori Rocco has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 11/10/2021 1:11:54 AM
open topic Ch Chutney Classically Clad has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 10/15/2021 1:04:31 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Stabber Zena has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 12/31/2020 1:10:52 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Asylum 2020 has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/15/2020 1:03:52 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Ah Chee Miss Athena has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/12/2020 1:05:17 AM
open topic GCH Shelmast Asylum 2020* has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 7/6/2020 1:04:31 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Asylum 2020* has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/12/2020 1:11:41 AM
open topic GCH Shelmast Ah Chee Meme has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 5/24/2020 1:08:58 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Summer Paige has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 5/17/2020 1:09:42 AM
open topic GCH Shelmast Asylum Persidan has earned the title of Silver Grand Champion. admin 0 5/17/2020 1:09:34 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Ah Chee Meme has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 4/30/2020 12:56:36 AM
open topic GCH Shelmast Asylum Persidan has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 4/16/2020 1:03:46 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Angel Day has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 4/15/2020 1:04:30 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Ah Chee Calypso has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 4/11/2020 1:05:13 AM
open topic Ch Shelmast Stabber Star has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 3/27/2020 1:05:34 AM

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Since its centenary year in 1991, Crufts has officially been recognised as the world's largest and most prestigious dog show by the Guinness Book of Records, with a total of 22,973 dogs being exhibited that year.