Bitch #18827985

Call Name:
Registration: #18827985
Birthdate: 6/21/2024 10:41:49 PM (118 days old)
Breed: South African Boerboel
Sex: Bitch
Owner: Loving Family
Breeder: GooseCreek
COI: 11.83%     Generation: 141
Ration: 1777 Puppy

Genetic Quality [97.40]
Head Forequarter Hindquarter Gait Top Neck & Back
9.8 9.6 9.4 9.7 9.9
Coat Size Temperament Show Shine Feet
10.0 9.7 9.8 19.1 9.3

Health, Obedience, and Training Quality
Show Obedience Condition Muscle Tone Coat Condition
5 13 5 5
Pedigree of New Puppy #3
GooseCreek Oh My Word
GooseCreek Holy Cannoli
GooseCreek Just Knockn Around
GooseCreek Speak Easy
GooseCreek Oh My Word
GooseCreek First Word
GooseCreek Amazing Aura
Generation 141
GooseCreek Instinct Happens
GooseCreek Instinctual Knock
GooseCreek Never Knock
GooseCreek Instinctive Rhythm
GooseCreek Oh My Word
GooseCreek Word Of The Day
GooseCreek Amazing Aura
Show Stats
Current Points 0
1st in Class 0
Best of Breed 0
Best in Group 0
Best in Specialty Show 0
Best in Show 0
Breed Beaten 0
Group Beaten 0
All Beaten 0
Earnings $0

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