Quaxi Yazzy

Call Name: (*FH)
Registration: #18827626
Birthdate: 6/21/2024 12:58:04 PM (118 days old)
Breed: Shih Tzu
Sex: Bitch
Owner: Loving Family
Breeder: Quaxi
COI: 3.31%     Generation: 153
Ration: Pet House for Adult Dogs

Genetic Quality [97.00]
Head Forequarter Hindquarter Gait Top Neck & Back
9.8 9.2 9.1 9.7 9.6
Coat Size Temperament Show Shine Feet
10.0 9.6 10.3 20.0 10.7

Health, Obedience, and Training Quality
Show Obedience Condition Muscle Tone Coat Condition
20 20 20 20
Pedigree of Quaxi Yazzy
Quaxi Not Impressed
Quaxi Newton
@dored TerraCotta
Quaxi Da Vinci
Quaxi Abracadabra
Quaxi Tropicana
Quaxi Phoenix
Generation 153
AK Dynamo
Stratego Sniper Rifle
Stratego Microcarbo pygmaeus
Quaxi Desiree
@dored CrumpetHerman
@dored ImpressingYou
@dored SheerDress
Show Stats
Current Points 8
1st in Class 22
Best of Breed 2
Best in Group 0
Best in Specialty Show 0
Best in Show 0
Breed Beaten 11
Group Beaten 11
All Beaten 11
Earnings $57

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