Show Record - Marvien Iced Americano

Dog Info Page | Conformation Shows | Obedience Trials | Enter in Shows

Show Handler Placing Judge
Rossetts 1st of September All Breed Show - (Puppy) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex Harrison Elias 9/1/2024
RMKs 1st Annual All Breed - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex Judy Weaver 9/2/2024
TER all breed 33 - (Puppy) Greg Alexander Reserve Winners Bitch Trudy Walker 9/3/2024
Southern Cross 22 - (Puppy) Robert Pouk Reserve Winners Bitch Daniel Washington 9/4/2024
STL all breed 79 - (Puppy) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Donna Fox 9/5/2024
Finn All Breed 28 - (Puppy) Veronica Sheidt Best in Breed
(1 pts)
Paul Phillips 9/6/2024
Clear Run 71 - (Puppy) Jos Harter Reserve Winners Bitch Myron Carlo 9/7/2024
Fall Leaves 206 - (Puppy) Bob Golub Best of Opposite Sex Erik Morris 9/8/2024
DMs Septembr Sortie - (Puppy) Owner 2nd in Group
(1 pts)
Herb Hagge 9/9/2024
Ranch JAH Autumn Fayre 49 - (Puppy) Annee Lino 3rd in Breed Garry Locke 9/10/2024
Myers All Breed 17 - (Puppy) Reberol Pattison 3rd in Breed Johnnie Robinson 9/11/2024
Lake Itasca 109 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(1 pts)
Frank Gonzalez 9/12/2024
Nata All Breed 51 - (Puppy) Julie Patton Best of Opposite Sex
(1 pts)
Pat Baldwin 9/13/2024
TRH all breed 83 - (Puppy) Bob Golub Best of Opposite Sex
(1 pts)
Kelvin Walton 9/14/2024
ZTSM Show 42 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Jill Quinton 9/15/2024
Jester Dogs 309th All Breed Show - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Forest Gillespie 9/16/2024
Canmore3 All-Breed 24-09-17 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Kelly St Peter 9/17/2024
September 2024 English Springer Spaniel Nationals - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Winners Bitch
(2 pts)
George Wallace 9/18/2024
Gemstone Saga 1 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Kathy Schoonover 9/19/2024
Nata All Breed 52
(Current Entries)
Veronica Sheidt 1st in Class Paul Phillips 9/20/2024
RivercrestK AllBreed 24-09-21 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(1 pts)
Willian Crutchfield 9/21/2024
Purple 25 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(1 pts)
William Carr 9/22/2024
KOG all breed 52
(Current Entries)
Ellen Schroeder Reserve Winners Bitch Linda Schubert 9/23/2024
Down Under All Breed 56 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Donna Fox 9/24/2024
TNT 315th All Breed Show - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Annee Lino Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Cameron Radcliffe 9/25/2024
Southern Cross 24 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
William Hernandez 9/26/2024
Vintage Show 69 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Julie Patton Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Ruth Miller 9/27/2024
RiverBend 2024-09-28 All Breed Show - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Penny Strain 9/28/2024
RiverBend 2024-09-29 All Breed Show - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner 3rd in Group
(2 pts)
Chad Hill 9/29/2024
September 2024 World Cup - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Donna Fox 9/30/2024
Ranch JAH Autumn Fayre 51 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Maret Gentile 3rd in Group
(3 pts)
Emerson Shores 10/1/2024
Clear Run 74 - (Open) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Walker Stebbins 10/2/2024
DMs Orange October - (Open) Julie Patton Reserve Winners Bitch Daniel Hall 10/3/2024
TSR The Jest 34 - (Open) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Refugio Andrews 10/4/2024
BourneAcres All-Breed 24-10-05 - (Open) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Donna Fox 10/5/2024
Little River Runners 21 - (Open) Julie Patton Reserve Winners Bitch Cristi Langley 10/6/2024
Card all breed 78 - (Open) Veronica Sheidt 3rd in Breed Petar Amelia 10/7/2024
Lake Itasca 112 - (Open) Greg Alexander Reserve Winners Bitch Abigail King 10/8/2024
ZTSM Show 45 - (Open) Dan Adams 3rd in Breed Timothy Mccord 10/9/2024
Rex Rover 60 - (Open) Roxanne Leatherwood 3rd in Breed Jolene Ramsey 10/10/2024
Hamos Hounds The Festival 39 - (Open) Ellen Schroeder 4th in Group
(2 pts)
Elliott Edgington 10/11/2024
Autumn All Breed 4 - (Open) Roxanne Leatherwood Best of Opposite Sex
(5 pts)
Rose Clark 10/12/2024
GaylanStudio2 All-Breed 24-10-13
(Current Entries)
Julie Patton Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Thomas Moore 10/13/2024
TSR The Jest 38 - (Champions) Huntert Dawe 4th in Breed Pat Price 10/14/2024
Autumn Court All Breed 5 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Judy Weaver 10/15/2024
TSR The Jest 39 - (Champions) Veronica Sheidt Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Donny Marsh 10/16/2024
Autumn Court All Breed 7 - (Champions) Julie Patton Best in Breed
(5 GC pts)
Holly Schroeder 10/17/2024
October 2024 English Springer Spaniel Nationals - (Champions) Owner DNP Raymundo Vanderpool 10/18/2024
Hamos Hounds The Festival 42 - (Champions) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Kathy Schoonover 10/19/2024
Fall Leaves 211 - (Champions) Julie Patton 3rd in Breed Deforrest Aaren 10/20/2024
TNT 317th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Finn McKay 10/21/2024
Wundaboys Magic III
(Current Entries)
Roxanne Leatherwood Best in Breed
(2 GC pts)
Linda Schubert 10/22/2024
Wundaboys Magic V - (Champions) Roxanne Leatherwood 3rd in Breed Damon Thomason 10/23/2024
Wundaboys Magic VI - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Herbert Lawson 10/24/2024
TSR The Jest 42 - (Champions) Edna Dixon 3rd in Breed Travis Hunter 10/25/2024
GaylanStudio1 All-Breed 24-10-26 - (Champions) Joe Kensing 3rd in Breed Patrick Tatum 10/26/2024
STL all breed 83 - (Champions) Jene Moak 3rd in Breed Paul Caraway 10/27/2024
Masquerade Dance Party All Breed - (Champions) Bob Golub Best in Breed
(2 GC pts)
Betty Price 10/28/2024
Draig Fall Show 23 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Herbert Lawson 10/29/2024
DMs October Orange 2 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Willian Crutchfield 10/30/2024
October 2024 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Charles Wilson 10/31/2024
Clear Run 77 - (Champions) Reberol Pattison 3rd in Breed Patrick Tatum 11/1/2024
High Tyde 9 - (Champions) Kim Coleman 3rd in Breed Walker Stebbins 11/2/2024
All Breeds Spectacular 227 - (Champions) Elaine Stinson 2nd in Breed Florencio Rogers 11/3/2024
Autumn All Breed 5 - (Champions) Logan Ray 3rd in Breed Paul Taylor 11/4/2024
Draig Fall Show 33 - (Champions) Logan Ray 3rd in Breed Paul Taylor 11/5/2024
TBTs Spectacular 33 - (Champions) Patrick Sayforth 3rd in Breed Eileen Miller 11/6/2024
Fall Leaves 213 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Earl Feinstein 11/7/2024
Finn All Breed 35 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Micah Day 11/8/2024
Montauk 11/9 All-Breed Show - (Champions) Ellen Schroeder 3rd in Breed Anthony Lara 11/9/2024
Clear Run 79 - (Champions) Jos Harter 3rd in Breed Maximo Jean 11/10/2024
Steinhaus Fall Show 41 - (Champions) Logan Ray 3rd in Breed Paul Taylor 11/11/2024
KOG all breed 55 - (Champions) Julie Patton 2nd in Breed Daniel Hall 11/12/2024
Fall Leaves 214 - (Champions) Stew Kellermen Best in Breed
(2 GC pts)
Amanda Nava 11/13/2024
Clear Run 80 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Matthew Phillips 11/14/2024
Vintage Show 73 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Eric Fontenot 11/15/2024
Clwyds November 16th All Breed Show - (Champions) Flozell Tucker 3rd in Breed Travis Hunter 11/16/2024
Rossetts November 17th All Breed Show - (Champions) Julie Patton 2nd in Breed Saul Martinez 11/17/2024
November 2024 English Springer Spaniel Nationals - (Champions) Owner DNP Anna Gonzales 11/18/2024
Myers All Breed 22 - (Champions) Elaine Stinson 3rd in Breed Mendy Menzie 11/19/2024
Nata All Breed 60 - (Champions) Annee Lino 3rd in Breed Deborah Walker 11/20/2024
Down Under All Breed 59 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Mark Wilson 11/21/2024
All Breeds Spectacular 229
(Current Entries)
Roxanne Leatherwood Best in Breed
(2 GC pts)
Richard Mitchell 11/22/2024
Lake Itasca 119 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Damon Thomason 11/23/2024
ZTSM Show 52 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Kristy Bryant 11/24/2024
MVK all breed 50 - (Champions) Brian Coke 2nd in Breed Florencio Rogers 11/25/2024
BourneAcres All-Breed 24-11-26 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Matthew Phillips 11/26/2024
BourneAcres All-Breed 24-11-27 - (Champions) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Edward Fincher 11/27/2024
Frostylands Happy Thanksgiving - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Maria Brandt 11/28/2024
Airmid 142 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Mark Wilson 11/29/2024
November 2024 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Kristy Bryant 11/30/2024
Ranch JAH Autumn Fayre 58 - (Champions) Julie Patton 3rd in Breed Pat Baldwin 12/1/2024
The Lemon Claws Its A Decider 38 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Donna Fox 12/2/2024
Ranch JAH Autumn Fayre 63 - (Champions) Julie Patton 2nd in Breed Carlton Aubin 12/3/2024
Airmid 143
(Current Entries)
Yvette Glover 3rd in Breed Albert Thomas 12/4/2024
Comet Presents Christmas Countdown 1 - (Champions) Annee Lino 3rd in Breed Walker Stebbins 12/5/2024
Nata All Breed 62 - (Champions) Kristen Gowin 3rd in Breed Richard Wilson 12/6/2024
Ranch JAH Autumn Fayre 61 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed JT Howden 12/7/2024
Canmore5 All-Breed 24-12-08 - (Champions) Joe Kensing 3rd in Breed Hugo Cazares 12/8/2024
TSR The Jest 43 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Gerry Salazar 12/9/2024
Fall Leaves 219 - (Champions) Roxanne Leatherwood 3rd in Breed William Hernandez 12/10/2024
Jester Dogs 314th All Breed Show - (Champions) Roxanne Leatherwood 3rd in Breed Ester Arriaga 12/11/2024
All Breeds Spectacular 230 - (Champions) Roxanne Leatherwood 2nd in Breed Carla Martinez 12/12/2024
Pepsi Max - (Champions) Kristen Gowin 3rd in Breed Donny Marsh 12/13/2024
Hamos Hounds The Festival 49
(Current Entries)
Julie Patton 3rd in Breed Mickey Bysshe 12/14/2024
Lime Coke - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Kelly St Peter 12/15/2024
December 2024 English Springer Spaniel Nationals - (Veterans) Owner Best Veteran Bitch Erik Morris 12/18/2024

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.