Show Record - Equity*s Sawed Off Shotgun

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Show Handler Placing Judge
TRHD all breed 73 - (Puppy) Owner 2nd in Class Damon Thomason 3/28/2024
Clwyds March 29th All Breed Show - (Puppy) Owner Winners Dog
(2 pts)
Micah Day 3/29/2024
EM 1 - (Puppy) Owner 2nd in Class George Hunter 4/2/2024
ZTSM Show 17 - (Puppy) Owner Reserve Winners Dog Finn McKay 4/2/2024
EM 2 - (Puppy) Owner Reserve Winners Dog Marjorie Moore 4/3/2024
MVK all breed 35 - (Puppy) Owner Winners Dog
(1 pts)
Gerry Salazar 4/3/2024
EM 3 - (Puppy) Owner Reserve Winners Dog Danial Mcdevitt 4/4/2024
STL all breed 65 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Oscar West 4/4/2024
EM 4 - (Puppy) Owner Reserve Winners Dog Scott Person 4/5/2024
GaylanStudio4 All-Breed 24-04-05 - (Puppy) Owner 3rd in Breed
(2 pts)
Maria Brandt 4/5/2024
EM 5 - (Puppy) Owner Winners Dog
(2 pts)
Debbie Vaughn 4/6/2024
Dannon 12 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Pamela Geist 4/6/2024
Under The Southern Cross 59 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Randal Harris 4/7/2024
Finn All Breed 6 - (Puppy) Owner Winners Dog
(2 pts)
Gordon Teixeira 4/8/2024
STL all breed 66 - (Puppy) Owner 3rd in Breed
(3 pts)
Ursula Chavez 4/10/2024
Comet Presents April Showers All Breed Bonanza - (Puppy) Bob Golub Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Russell Le 4/11/2024
Kirkstall All-Breed 24-04-12 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner 2nd in Breed
(2 pts)
Randal Harris 4/12/2024
Fall Leaves 184 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Reberol Pattison 3rd in Breed
(2 pts)
Hugo Cazares 4/13/2024
MVK all breed 36 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Mark Wilson 4/14/2024
KOG all breed 41 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(4 pts)
George Hunter 4/16/2024
EM 6 - (Champions) Owner DNP Orlando Bennett 4/17/2024
Solcintra All Breed 95 - (Champions) Owner DNP Barbara Hall 4/17/2024
EM 7 - (Champions) Owner DNP Carol Bateman 4/18/2024
HFC All-Breed Show 24-04-18 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Earl Feinstein 4/18/2024
EM 8 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Gerry Salazar 4/19/2024
Clwyds April 19 All Breed Show - (Champions) Evan Kown DNP Richard Mitchell 4/19/2024
EM 9 - (Champions) Owner DNP Joesph Synder 4/20/2024
EM 10 - (Champions) Owner DNP Stephen Butler 4/21/2024
April 2024 Mastiff Nationals - (Champions) Owner DNP Petra Anderson 4/22/2024
GaylanStudio2 All-Breed 24-04-25 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Barbara Munoz 4/25/2024
Wink all breed 52 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Rachel Barnette 4/27/2024
BourneAcres All-Breed 24-04-28 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed JT Howden 4/28/2024
April 2024 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Oscar West 4/30/2024
AirMid 112 - (Champions) Owner DNP Stevie Davy 5/2/2024
Heartland 5/3 All-Breed Show - (Champions) Owner Best in Breed
(5 GC pts)
Ronald Schmidt 5/3/2024
Malibu Beach Bash V - (Champions) Justin Moyer Best of Opposite Sex
(4 GC pts)
Alan Magdaleno 5/5/2024
GaylanStudio8 All-Breed 24-05-06 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed William Carr 5/6/2024
AirMid 113 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Willian Crutchfield 5/8/2024
May Time All Breed - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Donna Fox 5/10/2024
Comet Presents All Breed Bonanza 93 - (Champions) Owner DNP Carlton Aubin 5/11/2024
Solcintra All Breed 100 - (Champions) Owner DNP Kimberly Cunningham 5/12/2024
Nata All Breed 33 - (Champions) Owner DNP Paul Dougherty 5/13/2024
Westminster Day 2 Show 2024 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
William Carr 5/14/2024
Clear Run 54 - (Champions) Owner DNP Damon Thomason 5/16/2024
May 2024 Mastiff Nationals - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Specialty Show Germogen Dominique 5/22/2024
STL all breed 69 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Eric Fontenot 5/24/2024
Zimbrel Zany Bash II - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
George Hunter 5/26/2024
GaylanStudio2 All-Breed 24-05-27 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Herb Hagge 5/27/2024
May 2024 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Kimberly Cunningham 5/31/2024

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
The sit for exam is a modified version of the Stand for Exam. It is generally used in novice level classes and requires the handler to order the dog to sit and then to move away from the dog the length of the leash. The judge will then approach the dog and pet the dog's head.