Show Record - FSKII Fantasy Of the West

Dog Info Page | Conformation Shows | Obedience Trials | Enter in Shows

Show Handler Placing Judge
ATK all breed 21 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 pts)
Jill Quinton 4/27/2023
Countdown to April WC - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 pts)
Blanca Taylor 4/27/2023
ATK all breed 22 - (Puppy) Owner Reserve Winners Dog Betty Price 4/28/2023
Countdown to April WC 3 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 pts)
Jimmy James 4/28/2023
4/29 Detroit Allbreed - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Forest Gillespie 4/29/2023
Countdown to April WC 2 - (Champions) Owner Best in Specialty Show
(5 GC pts)
Paul Perry 4/29/2023
April 2023 World Cup - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(4 GC pts)
Roosevelt Bomar 4/30/2023
Card all breed 29 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Matthew Phillips 5/2/2023
Solcintra All Breed 21 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Cristi Langley 5/3/2023
Maypole Dances All Breed - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed JT Howden 5/4/2023
May 5th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Anna Gonzales 5/5/2023
5/6 Foxfire Allbreed - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Kelvin Walton 5/6/2023
May 2023 Otterhound Nationals - (Champions) Owner 4th in Specialty Show Kevin Taylor 5/8/2023
Vintage Show 32 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Stephen Long 5/8/2023
5/9 Allbreed Show - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Jem Eddy 5/9/2023
5/10 Rough Allbreed Show - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(5 GC pts)
Elliott Edgington 5/10/2023
Rossetts May 11th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner DNP Ronald Brooks 5/11/2023
Indianas All Breed 1 - (Champions) Owner DNP Gordon Teixeira 5/12/2023
TNT 273rd All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner DNP Brandon Buckner 5/13/2023
Comet Presents Happy Mothers Day Show - (Champions) Owner DNP Luella Rogers 5/14/2023
TRHD all breed 40 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Jill Quinton 5/22/2023
AWB Blowout 130 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed William Carr 5/23/2023
AWB Blowout 131 - (Champions) Owner DNP Brandon Gagnon 5/24/2023
AGFY show 3 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Chad Hill 5/25/2023
AGFY show 4 - (Champions) Owner DNP Gordon Teixeira 5/26/2023
Vintage Show 37 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(4 GC pts)
Oscar West 5/27/2023
AGFY show 6 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Cynthia Reed 5/28/2023
AGFY show 7 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Walker Stebbins 5/29/2023
Anxta Otterhound Soiree - (Champions) Owner 4th in Specialty Show Scott Jackson 5/30/2023
Caulfeilds May 30th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Abigail King 5/30/2023
May 2023 World Cup - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Terry Lopez 5/31/2023
Fall Leaves 130 - (Champions) Owner DNP Helen Crippen 6/2/2023
TRHD all breed 43 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(3 GC pts)
Odilia Martin 6/3/2023
Rossetts June 4th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Mark Wilson 6/4/2023
ATK all breed 27 - (Champions) Owner DNP Forest Gillespie 6/5/2023
Fall Leaves 134 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Kelly St Peter 6/6/2023
Clear Run 8 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Mark Wilson 6/7/2023
Clear Run 10 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Randal Harris 6/8/2023
June 2023 Otterhound Nationals - (Champions) Owner DNP Herman Mader 6/8/2023
Fall Leaves 137 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed George Wallace 6/9/2023
Czarina 6/10 ALLBREED - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Cristi Langley 6/10/2023
Comet Presents All Breed Bonanza 59 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Frank Gonzalez 6/11/2023
Fall Leaves 140 - (Champions) Owner DNP Holly Schroeder 6/12/2023
Clwyds June 13th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Andrew Lopez 6/13/2023
Rossett June 14th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Sandra Grooms 6/14/2023
PixelPups 6/15 All Breed - (Champions) Owner DNP James Link 6/15/2023
Draig Spring Show 14 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Forest Gillespie 6/16/2023
MVK all breed 9 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Barbara Hall 6/17/2023
Red Willow Derby 3 - (Champions) Owner DNP Herbert Lawson 6/18/2023
Draig Spring Show 17 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed George Wallace 6/19/2023
Comet Presents All Breed Bonanza 61 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Earl Feinstein 6/20/2023
Fantazee Frolics 1 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(3 GC pts)
George Hunter 6/21/2023
Vintage Show 43 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Ronald Schmidt 6/22/2023
TB Under The Big Top All Breed 6-23-23 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Donald Bennett 6/23/2023
Wessex All Breed 1 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Willian Crutchfield 6/24/2023
Comet Presents All Breed Bonanza 63 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Erik Morris 6/25/2023
Abilene All-Breed 6/26 - (Champions) Owner DNP Elizabeth Looney 6/26/2023
Winter Range Show - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Brooks Wasson 6/28/2023
Caulfeilds June 29th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner DNP Herbert Lawson 6/29/2023
June 2023 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Mark Wilson 6/30/2023
Summer Court All Breed 3 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Bobby Mcallister 7/1/2023
Clear Run 11 - (Champions) Owner DNP Danial Mcdevitt 7/2/2023
Fall Leaves 144 - (Champions) Owner DNP Forest Gillespie 7/3/2023
AirMid 72 - (Champions) Owner DNP Lester Fuller 7/4/2023
AirMid 73 - (Champions) Owner Best in Breed
(5 GC pts)
Barbara Munoz 7/5/2023
Fall Leaves 147 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed George Wallace 7/6/2023
Summer Court All Breed 4 - (Champions) Owner DNP Angel Yeung 7/7/2023
Comet Presents All Breed Bonanza 65 - (Champions) Owner DNP Tammy Cavanaugh 7/8/2023
July 2023 Otterhound Nationals - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(2 GC pts)
Finn McKay 7/8/2023
Arizona 35 - (Champions) Owner DNP Willian Crutchfield 7/9/2023
TER all breed 15 - (Champions) Owner DNP Joseph Grant 7/10/2023
GaylanStudio4 All Breed 230723 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Linda Schubert 7/11/2023
TRHD all breed 51 - (Champions) Owner DNP Kevin Garcia 7/12/2023
Tucson All-Breed 7/13 - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(2 GC pts)
Anna Gonzales 7/13/2023
July 2023 World Cup - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed George Wallace 7/31/2023

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
A specialty show may be regional or national. A "Best in Show" win at a national specialty show is tremendously prestigious, indicating that the winning dog or bitch triumphed at a contest which attracted entries from the most serious fanciers of that breed in the country or continent. Some specialty shows attract international entries.