Show Record - Blazons Track-Record

Dog Info Page | Conformation Shows | Obedience Trials | Enter in Shows

Show Handler Placing Judge
All Breeds Spectacular 193 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(3 pts)
Walker Stebbins 10/23/2022
TrickorTreat - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 1st in Class Victor Wood 10/30/2022
October 2022 World Cup - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 1st in Class Herbert Lawson 10/31/2022
Rossetts November 4th All Breed Show - (Open) Roxanne Leatherwood 3rd in Group
(5 pts)
Nancy Gardner 11/4/2022
Edinburgh Festival 50 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 3rd in Breed
(1 pts)
Micah Day 11/5/2022
Seasar II All Breed 77 - (Open) Reberol Pattison 4th in Breed Randall Jackson 11/6/2022
RiverBend All Breed 22-11-11 - (Open) Flozell Tucker 4th in Breed Shari Carroll 11/7/2022
Sziget Festival 42 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Best in Breed
(2 pts)
Lean Hoeffner 11/8/2022
November 2022 Bull Terrier Nationals - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Winners Dog
(3 pts)
George Hunter 11/9/2022
CacheCreek All Breed 22-11-18 - (Open) Justin Moyer 2nd in Group
(4 pts)
Scott Pham 11/18/2022
Seasar IV All Breed 24 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Forest Gillespie 11/19/2022
Clwyds November 20th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Doris Turner 11/20/2022
Rossetts November 21st All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner Best in Breed
(5 GC pts)
Jill Quinton 11/21/2022
Sziget Festival 45 - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Kristy Bryant 11/22/2022
Kirstall All Breed 22-11-24 - (Champions) Owner Best in Breed
(5 GC pts)
Oscar West 11/24/2022
November 2022 World Cup - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Kristy Bryant 11/30/2022
Jester Dogs 263rd All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Kristy Bryant 12/7/2022
December 2022 Bull Terrier Nationals - (Champions) Blazon Bull Terriers 4th in Specialty Show Eileen Miller 12/9/2022
December 2022 World Cup - (Champions) Owner Best in Breed
(5 GC pts)
Eric Fontenot 12/31/2022

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.