Show Record - Kilohana Queen Amidala

Dog Info Page | Conformation Shows | Obedience Trials | Enter in Shows

Show Handler Placing Judge
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 286 - (Novice) Yvette Glover 1st in Class Sam Moss 6/18/2022
GaylanStudio1 All Breed 22-06-19 - (Open) Joe Kensing 4th in Breed
(3 pts)
Stella Worley 6/19/2022
GaylanStudio2 All Breed 22-06-20 - (Open) Greg Alexander Reserve Winners Bitch Maria Mohr 6/20/2022
GaylanStudio8 All Breed 22-06-21 - (Open) Jene Moak 4th in Breed
(3 pts)
Cynthia Reed 6/21/2022
June 2022 Mastiff Nationals - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 4th in Class Leif Law 6/22/2022
Wink all breed 1 - (Open) Huntert Dawe 4th in Breed
(1 pts)
Luke Slocum 6/22/2022
GaylanStudio2 All Breed 22-06-22
(Current Entries)
Rogane Tuller 3rd in Class Michelle Hamilton 6/23/2022
GaylanStudio All Breed 22-06-24 - (Open) June Dixon Reserve Winners Bitch Scott Jackson 6/24/2022
Canmore2 All Breed 22-06-25 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 3rd in Class Otto Oswald 6/25/2022
Wonderlight All Breed Show 10 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner 1st in Class Alan Magdaleno 6/26/2022
Canmore4 All Breed 22-06-27 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Best of Winners
(1 pts)
Colin Lacy 6/27/2022
GaylanStudio6 All Breed 22-06-28 - (Open) Logan Ray 3rd in Class Genevieve Cyr 6/28/2022
Grays Summer Show 39 - (Open) Rogane Tuller 3rd in Breed
(4 pts)
Lynn Jackson 6/29/2022
June 2022 World Cup - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Kelly St Peter 6/30/2022
Treun Summer Show 27 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Charles Britton 7/1/2022
GaylanStudio3 All Breed 22-07-04 - (Bred by Exhibitor) Owner Winners Bitch
(3 pts)
Raymond Valdez 7/4/2022
All Breeds Spectacular 182 - (Champions) Owner DNP Maria Mohr 7/5/2022
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 290 - (Champions) Owner DNP Blake Hepler 7/6/2022
All Breeds Spectacular 183 - (Champions) Owner DNP Paul Taylor 7/7/2022
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 292 - (Champions) Stew Kellermen 3rd in Breed Maria Santiago 7/8/2022
Sziget Festival 21 - (Champions) Owner DNP Stephen Long 7/12/2022
GaylanStudio6 All Breed 22-07-13 - (Champions) All Mederos DNP Fred Jennings 7/13/2022
GaylanStudio4 All Breed 22-07-14 - (Champions) Owner DNP Blake Hugh 7/14/2022
GaylanStudio5 All Breed 22-07-16 - (Champions) Billip Soltero DNP Sandra Grooms 7/16/2022
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 299 - (Champions) Owner DNP Lewis Andersen 7/28/2022

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.