Show Record - Kilohana Prince Of Thieves

Dog Info Page | Conformation Shows | Obedience Trials | Enter in Shows

Show Handler Placing Judge
Starship No. 2 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Maura Ryan 12/8/2017
Breacan Fall Show 5 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Joseph Jones 12/9/2017
Any Dream Will Do 4 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Winners
(2 pts)
Anthony Lara 12/10/2017
Christmas Secret Show - (Champions) Veronica Sheidt 4th in Group
(5 GC pts)
Joseph Jones 12/14/2017
Zinga 32 - (Champions) Maret Gentile 3rd in Group
(5 GC pts)
Maura Ryan 12/16/2017
GaylanStudio December 17th All Breed - (Champions) Jessa McKinnley Best of Opposite Sex
(3 GC pts)
Jennifer Green 12/17/2017
Jester Dogs 96th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Oscar West 12/28/2017
All Breed Party Mood - (Champions) Veronica Sheidt 4th in Group
(4 GC pts)
Joseph Jones 12/29/2017
GaylanStudio December 30th All Breed - (Champions) Jessa McKinnley Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Mary Marshall 12/30/2017
December 2017 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Lorene Moore 12/31/2017
GaylanStudio January 7th All Breed - (Champions) Maret Gentile 2nd in Group Maura Ryan 1/7/2018
Alchemy 48 - (Champions) Maret Gentile 3rd in Group
(3 GC pts)
Maura Ryan 1/13/2018
Peace In The Valley All Breed 1 - (Champions) Maret Gentile Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Maura Ryan 1/15/2018
Into The Wind XIII - (Champions) Maret Gentile Best of Opposite Sex
(3 GC pts)
Maura Ryan 1/16/2018
Opportune Moment 45 - (Champions) Jessa McKinnley Best of Opposite Sex
(1 GC pts)
Mary Marshall 1/19/2018
Zinga 34 - (Champions) Veronica Sheidt Best of Opposite Sex
(3 GC pts)
Joseph Jones 1/20/2018
January 2018 Mastiff Nationals - (Champions) Owner 4th in Specialty Show Odilia Martin 1/22/2018
Alchemy 49 - (Champions) Jene Moak 4th in Group Cristi Langley 1/24/2018
Jester Dogs 99th All Breed Show - (Champions) Veronica Sheidt Best of Opposite Sex
(4 GC pts)
Bruce Diaz 1/27/2018
Czardas 36 - (Champions) Roxanne Leatherwood Best of Opposite Sex
(4 GC pts)
Odilia Martin 1/29/2018
January 2018 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Gerry Salazar 1/31/2018
All Things Fuzzy 26 - (Champions) Maret Gentile 3rd in Group
(2 GC pts)
Maura Ryan 2/6/2018
February 2018 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Genevieve Cyr 2/28/2018
Pick of The Litter All Breed - (Champions) Justin Moyer Best of Opposite Sex
(3 GC pts)
Scott Pham 3/9/2018

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
The third obedience title is a UD, or "Utility Dog", which is earned through competition in the Utility obedience class