Current Entries

Jimbos Pad Tournament 28 - Smooth Fox Terrier

Current Smooth Fox Terrier entries for the Jimbos Pad Tournament 28.  This show will be held on 10/9/2024 .

Name Owner Sex Born Handler
 Gaylanns Get A Grip (24) GaylanStudio9 Bitch 7/30/2024   Jene Moak
 Gaylann Chanced Meeting (24) GaylanStudio9 Bitch 7/30/2024   Justin Moyer
 Gaylann This Magic Moment (24) GaylanStudio9 Bitch 7/30/2024   Maret Gentile
 Detroit’s Seneca of Greyfriar Degree Bitch 8/31/2024   Julie Patton
 The Snowy Badger The Lemon Claws Dog 8/31/2024   Jene Moak
1 to 1 1/2 Months
 Detroit’s Harlow DetroitKennel Dog 8/31/2024   Julie Patton

Did you know?
The first obedience title is a CD, or "Companion Dog", which is earned through competition in the Novice obedience class.