Current Entries

Hamos Hounds The Festival 41 - Miniature Poodle

Current Miniature Poodle entries for the Hamos Hounds The Festival 41.  This show will be held on 10/16/2024 .

Name Owner Sex Born Handler
 Rosewood Fleurir Fenton Lakes Bitch 9/19/2024   Owner
 Rosewood Donne-Moi Tout Rosewood House Dog 9/25/2024   Owner
 Rosewood Reine Des Roses Rosewood House Bitch 8/14/2024   Veronica Sheidt
 Rosewood Dimanche Endormi Fenton Lakes Dog 8/19/2024   Owner
 Rosewood Tellement Amusant Rosewood House Dog 8/28/2024   Veronica Sheidt
 Rosewood Hé Bébé Rosewood House Dog 8/31/2024   Owner
1 to 1 1/2 Months
 Rosewood Emiliano Wood House Dog 9/8/2024   Owner

Did you know?
The second obedience title is a CDX, or "Companion Dog Excellent", which is earned through competition in the Open obedience class.