Current Entries

September 2023 World Cup - Brussels Griffon

Current Brussels Griffon entries for the September 2023 World Cup.  This show will be held on 9/30/2023 .

Name Owner Sex Born Handler
 Nachthunde Book Of Days Nachthunde Bitch 7/16/2023   Owner
 Nachthunde Sierra Nachthunde Bitch 7/21/2023   Owner
 Nachthunde Red Sea Nachthunde Dog 7/9/2023   Owner
 Nachthunde Marcus Nachthunde Dog 7/21/2023   Owner
 Nachthunde Night Sky Nachthunde Dog 8/7/2023   Owner
Bred by Exhibitor
 Dustmops Red Geranium Dustmop Kennels Bitch 6/4/2023   Owner

Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.