Current Entries

NUFC Winners - American Cocker Spaniel

Current American Cocker Spaniel entries for the NUFC Winners.  This show will be held on 2/12/2025 .

Name Owner Sex Born Handler
 Moons Abartach MoonKennels17 Dog 1/18/2025   Veronica Sheidt
 Moons Abhean MoonKennels17 Dog 1/27/2025   Justin Moyer
 Zimbrel Wrinkle in Time Zimbrel Bitch 12/3/2024   Maret Gentile
 Waystar Sin City Waystar Bitch 12/5/2024   Huntert Dawe
 Millsill River City Millsill Bitch 12/28/2024   Jos Harter
 Moons Nuada Airgetlám MoonKennels17 Dog 11/29/2024   Ellen Schroeder
 Moons Creidhne MoonKennels17 Dog 11/29/2024   Roxanne Leatherwood
 Waystar Knight Crusade Waystar Dog 12/23/2024   Jos Harter
 Millsill Eurovision Millsill Dog 12/29/2024   Maret Gentile
1 to 1 1/2 Months
 Moons Gersemi MoonKennels17 Bitch 1/12/2025   Roxanne Leatherwood

Did you know?
At least two wins must be a set of three or more points ("majors"), under two different judges; at least one additional win under a third judge is also required.