Breed Results

Purple 48 - Sussex Spaniel
Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Tritone Brangäne Tritone Bob Golub 1st in Class
Tritone Schwertleite Tritone Kristen Gowin 2nd in Class

Puppy - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Tritone Loge Tritone Yvette Glover Reserve Winners Dog

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Tritone Semiramis (WB - 5 pts.) Llanelli Owner Best in Breed

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Tritone Scarmiglione (WD - 1 pts.) Tritone Kristen Gowin 3rd in Breed

Open - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Tritone Zillah Tritone Aarry Schmit Reserve Winners Bitch

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH Tritone Siegmund (2 GCh) Tritone Bob Golub Dog Best of Opposite Sex
GCH CH Tritone Isabella Tritone Yvette Glover Bitch 4th in Breed

Did you know?
A specialty show may be regional or national. A "Best in Show" win at a national specialty show is tremendously prestigious, indicating that the winning dog or bitch triumphed at a contest which attracted entries from the most serious fanciers of that breed in the country or continent. Some specialty shows attract international entries.