Breed Results

MVK all breed 46 - Shih Tzu
Date: Sunday, August 11, 2024

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
AK Ancient Island (WB - 1 pts.) Amira Kennel Owner Winners Bitch

Bred by Exhibitor - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
AK Flora Amira Kennel Owner Reserve Winners Bitch

Bred by Exhibitor - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
AK Hollywood Walk (WD - 1 pts.) Amira Kennel Owner 4th in Breed

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH AK Rock (5 GCh) Amira Kennel Owner Dog Best in Breed
GCH CH AK Golden Light (3 GCh) Amira Kennel Owner Bitch Best of Opposite Sex
GCH CH AK Fire Amira Kennel Owner Dog 3rd in Breed
CH AK Whispers in the Dark Amira Kennel Owner Bitch DNP

Did you know?
In the United Kingdom, the international championship show Crufts was first held in 1891.