Breed Results

DM Spring 2 - Shetland Sheepdog
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
WINK Fanci Tri (WB - 2 pts.) Winthrop Kennels Owner Best of Opposite Sex
WINK My Justine Winthrop Kennels Owner Reserve Winners Bitch

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
WINK Free Radical (WD - 2 pts.) Winthrop Kennels Owner 2nd in Breed
WINK Timeless Winthrop Kennels Owner Reserve Winners Dog

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH WINK Flash Wire (5 GCh) Winthrop Kennels Owner Dog Best in Breed
CH GraphiX Sparkle Pony GraphicX Owner Bitch 4th in Breed

Did you know?
The first obedience title is a CD, or "Companion Dog", which is earned through competition in the Novice obedience class.