Breed Results

Rex Rover 54 - Sealyham Terrier
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Sarah’s Secrets Of The Heart (WB - 5 pts.) Sarah*s Joe Kensing Best of Winners
Sarah’s Secret Affair Sansouci Billip Soltero Reserve Winners Bitch
Andy’s Granny Smith Andy*s Yvette Glover 3rd in Class
Sarahs DontGo BreakingMy heart Sarah*s Veronica Sheidt 4th in Class
Sarah’s Bohemian Rapsidy Sarah*s Owner DNP
Whatthe Rhythm But No Blues Whatthe Owner DNP
Whatthe Rhythm Less The Blues Whatthe Owner DNP
Whatthe Rhythm Without Blues Whatthe Owner DNP

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH Andy’s Oh Em Gee (5 GCh) Andy*s Roxanne Leatherwood Dog 2nd in Group
GCH CH Andy’s Gorgeous Gussy (5 GCh) Andy*s Roxanne Leatherwood Bitch Best of Opposite Sex
GCH CH Whatthe Justification Sansouci Yvette Glover Dog 3rd in Breed
CH Andy’s Bony Meronie Andy*s Joe Kensing Dog 4th in Breed
CH Whatthe It’s A Wild World Whatthe Owner Bitch DNP
CH Sarah’s Gee Whizz Sarah*s Owner Dog DNP
CH Sarah*s Hit The Jackpot Sarah*s Owner Dog DNP
CH Sarah’s Song N Dance Sarah*s Owner Dog DNP
CH Sarah’s Dance All Night Sansouci Owner Bitch DNP

Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.