Breed Results

Clear Run 42 - Saluki
Date: Sunday, February 25, 2024

Puppy - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
RoseHound Talisman10 RoseHound Owner 1st in Class
RoseHound Wind Tunnel RoseHound Owner 2nd in Class
RoseHound Wind Edition RoseHound Owner 3rd in Class

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
RoseHound Flight Path4 (WD - 3 pts.) RoseHound Bob Golub 2nd in Breed
RoseHound Chocolate Windblast RoseHound Owner 2nd in Class
RoseHound Silver Sable Hunter RoseHound Owner 3rd in Class

Bred by Exhibitor - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
RoseHound Crazy For You Too2 RoseHound Owner Reserve Winners Dog

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH RoseHound Wind Racer2 (4 GCh) RoseHound Veronica Sheidt Dog 4th in Group

The Kennel Club (UK) system, which is also used by the Australian National Kennel Council[1] and in other countries, is considered the most difficult to earn a title under.