Breed Results

FlyingHigh AllBreed 06-05-24 - Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
BSG Funky Truth bsgk5 Owner 1st in Class

Puppy - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
BSG Masterful Truth bsgk5 Owner 1st in Class
BSG Proverbial Master bsgk5 Owner 2nd in Class

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
BSG Dreamy Chorus (WB - 3 pts.) bsgk5 Reberol Pattison Best of Opposite Sex
BSG Flipping Truth bsgk5 Owner Reserve Winners Bitch
BSG Green Land bsgk5 Owner 3rd in Class

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
BSG Spreading Markers (WD - 3 pts.) bsgk5 Reberol Pattison 2nd in Breed
Pastorals Teddy Boy Pastoral Pups Julie Patton Reserve Winners Dog

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH UD BSG White Wolf (5 GCh) bsgk5 Roxanne Leatherwood Dog Best in Breed

Did you know?
In multi-breed and all-breed shows, the winners of all breeds within the kennel club's breed Groups then compete for Group placements.