Breed Results

Kirkstall AllBreed 22-10-15 - Mastiff
Date: Saturday, October 15, 2022

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Kilohana Galaxys Edge (WB - 2 pts.) Kilohana Kennels Julie Patton 2nd in Breed
Kilohana Invictus Kilohana Kennels Owner Reserve Winners Bitch
Kilohana Size Matters Not Kilohana Kennels Owner 3rd in Class
Kilohana Driven To Tears Kilohana Kennels Owner 4th in Class
Kilohana Kiss A Wookie Kilohana Kennels Owner DNP

Bred by Exhibitor - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Kilohana FreshBatchOfCookies Kilohana Kennels Owner 1st in Class

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH Kilohana Dream Girl (5 GCh) Kilohana Kennels Justin Moyer Bitch 4th in Group
GCH CH Kilohana The Bad Batch (4 GCh) Kilohana Kennels Justin Moyer Dog Best of Opposite Sex
GCH CH Kilohana Strike Me Down Kilohana Kennels Julie Patton Dog 4th in Breed
GCH CH Kilohana On The Road Again Kilohana Kennels Greg Alexander Dog DNP
GCH CH Kilohana Bad To The Bone Kilohana Kennels Flozell Tucker Dog DNP
CH Kilohana The Last Crusade Kilohana Kennels Owner Bitch DNP
GCH CH Kilohana Skywalker Kilohana Kennels Owner Dog DNP

Did you know?
The two largest American dog shows after Westminster are the National Dog Show (which is televised on Thanksgiving Day by NBC, usually after the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade) and the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.