Breed Results

WD Show Me the Way 16 - Kerry Blue Terrier
Date: Sunday, August 18, 2024

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Sarah’s Biznis Klass (WB - 4 pts.) Sarah*s Bob Golub Best of Opposite Sex
Sarah’s Stairway To Heaven Sarah*s Veronica Sheidt Reserve Winners Bitch
Sarah’s Heaven Scent Sarah*s Kristen Gowin 3rd in Class
Sarah’s Portabello Sarah*s Owner 4th in Class
Matts Action Packed Sarah*s Owner DNP

Puppy - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Sarah’s Mighty Spesh (WD - 4 pts.) Sarah*s Kristen Gowin 3rd in Breed
Sarah’s His Own Man Sarah*s Yvette Glover Reserve Winners Dog

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH Sarah’s Pretty Awesome (5 GCh) Sarah*s Bob Golub Dog 2nd in Group
GCH CH Sarah’s Pretty Special Sarah*s Veronica Sheidt Dog 2nd in Breed
CH Whatthe Feeling Lucky Whatthe Yvette Glover Bitch DNP
CH Sarah’s Letter To The Editor Sarah*s Owner Dog DNP

Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.