Breed Results

Airmid 151 - German Shepherd Dog
Date: Sunday, January 12, 2025

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
PRO Are We Gonna Talk About It Prophets Dream Kennel Owner 1st in Class
PRO Antique Hunting Today Prophets Dream Kennel Owner 2nd in Class
Duality Twinkle Little Star chocolateteapot Owner 3rd in Class
Duality Wish Upon a Star chocolateteapot Owner 4th in Class
Sunshines little hopeless Kennel_sunshine Owner DNP

Puppy - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Duality Starman (WD - 5 pts.) chocolateteapot Owner Best of Winners
Duality Skyfall chocolateteapot Owner Reserve Winners Dog
PRO Always The First Blue Moon Prophets Dream Kennel Owner DNP
PRO Anthony Was Right DUDE Prophets Dream Kennel Owner DNP
PRO Always The Silver Lining Prophets Dream Kennel Owner 3rd in Class
PRO Alphas Little Shadow Prophets Dream Kennel Owner 4th in Class
Hróarr V Zwölfjäger Kennel_sunshine Owner DNP

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
PRO Cant Take My Paws (WB - 5 pts.) Prophets Dream Kennel Owner Winners Bitch
Sunshines rock my world Kennel_sunshine Evan Kown 2nd in Class

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
PRO The One That Haunts You Prophets Dream Kennel Owner 2nd in Class
PRO Bragging Rights Are Mine Prophets Dream Kennel Owner 3rd in Class
PRO Its Real In The Show Prophets Dream Kennel Owner 1st in Class

Bred by Exhibitor - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Pros Tales Of The Night Hero Prophets Dream Kennel Owner Reserve Winners Bitch

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH Duality Moissanite (5 GCh) chocolateteapot Owner Bitch 4th in Group
GCH CH Duality Quiet Firework (5 GCh) chocolateteapot Owner Dog Best of Opposite Sex
CH DUALITY OBSIDIAN SPARKLE chocolateteapot Owner Dog 3rd in Breed
CH DUALITY BASALT SPARKLE chocolateteapot Owner Bitch 4th in Breed
CH Pros Astonishing Pave The Way Prophets Dream Kennel Owner Dog DNP
CH Pros IsThisTaleAsOldAsTime Prophets Dream Kennel Owner Bitch DNP
CH PRO Taking V To My Grave Prophets Dream Kennel Owner Dog DNP

The Kennel Club (UK) system, which is also used by the Australian National Kennel Council[1] and in other countries, is considered the most difficult to earn a title under.