Breed Results

RiverBend All Breed 23-02-12 - Anatolian Shepherd
Date: Sunday, February 12, 2023

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Ceramics Chase The Pickle Ceramics Flozell Tucker Reserve Winners Bitch
Ceramics Penny Stars Ceramics Owner 2nd in Class
Ceeramics Pointed Flower Ceramics Owner 3rd in Class
Ceramics A Short Winner Ceramics Owner 4th in Class
Ceramics Flower On Down Ceramics Owner DNP
Ceramics Penny Down Ceramics Owner DNP

Puppy - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Ceramics Hondo (WD - 5 pts.) Ceramics Jessa McKinnley 3rd in Breed
Ceramics Surprise In Space Ceramics Owner Reserve Winners Dog
Ceramics Dark Spot Ceramics Owner 3rd in Class
Ceramics Dark Caramel Ceramics Owner 4th in Class
Ceramics Mars Ceramics Owner DNP
Ceramics A Surprise Ride Ceramics Owner DNP

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Peregrins Aliye (WB - 5 pts.) Peregrin June Dixon 4th in Breed

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH Ceramics How The West Was Won (5 GCh) Ceramics Flozell Tucker Dog 4th in Group
GCH CH Ceramics Spatial Flower (5 GCh) Ceramics Jessa McKinnley Bitch Best of Opposite Sex
CH Ceramics Ride Stations Ceramics Owner Dog DNP
CH Ceramics Dirk Ceramics Owner Dog DNP
GCH CH Ceramics Purple Bull Ceramics Owner Dog DNP
CH Ceramics Dark Arrow Ceramics Owner Dog DNP
CH Ceramics Dark Points Ceramics Owner Dog DNP

Did you know?
The first obedience title is a CD, or "Companion Dog", which is earned through competition in the Novice obedience class.