Breed Results

January 2023 World Cup - American Foxhound
Date: Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Puppy - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Jasmine L Foxy Lady Jasmine Setters Owner Reserve Winners Bitch

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Zala Panic Point (WB - 1 pts.) Zodiac Alliance Owner Winners Bitch

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Zala Sons of Plunder (WD - 1 pts.) Zodiac Alliance Owner Best of Winners

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
GCH CH Zala Dishonorable Discharge (5 GCh) Zodiac Alliance Owner Dog Best in Breed
GCH CH Zala Sylvian Fissure (5 GCh) Zodiac Alliance Owner Bitch Best of Opposite Sex
GCH CH Zala Stricken Zodiac Alliance Owner Dog 3rd in Breed
GCH CH Zala Pride Zodiac Alliance Owner Bitch 4th in Breed
CH Jasmine Fox Girl On Fire Jasmine Setters Owner Bitch DNP
CH Jasmine Fox Ragged Old Flag Jasmine Setters Owner Dog DNP
CH Jasmine L He Said She Said Jasmine Setters Owner Dog DNP
GCH CH Zala Coffee Shop Zodiac Alliance Owner Bitch DNP
GCH CH Zala Guarded Zodiac Alliance Owner Bitch DNP
CH Zala Frontal Lobe Zodiac Alliance Owner Bitch DNP

Did you know?
Judges are generally certified to judge one or several breeds, usually in the same group, but a few "all-breed" judges have the training and experience to judge large numbers of breeds.