Breed Results

Racs All Breed 15 - Airedale Terrier
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021

1 to 1 1/2 Months - Bitches
Name Owner Handler Placing
Steinhaus Mary Lou (WB - 3 pts.) Steinhaus Kennis Greiner Best in Breed
Steinhaus Nellie of Amherst Steinhaus Ellen Schroeder Reserve Winners Bitch
Steinhaus Anna Marlene Steinhaus Ster Coaxum 3rd in Class
Steinhaus Donna of Amherst Steinhaus Maret Gentile 4th in Class

Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.