Breed Results

January 2024 World Cup - Affenpinscher
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Puppy - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Eclipse Butch Cassidy Eclipse 207 Owner Reserve Winners Dog

Bred by Exhibitor - Dogs
Name Owner Handler Placing
Vintage Poet Peak (WD - 2 pts.) Vintage Toys Owner Best of Winners
Owlbear Doomsday Prepper Owlbear Owner 2nd in Class

Name Owner Handler Sex Placing
CH BSG Lucky Thoughts (5 GCh) bsgk5 Owner Dog Best in Breed
GCH CH Owlbear Prehistoric Owlbear Owner Dog 2nd in Breed
CH Vintage Specter Vintage Toys Owner Dog 3rd in Breed
GCH CH Vintage Prince Harry Vintage Toys Owner Dog 4th in Breed
CH Vintage Sundance Kid Vintage Toys Owner Dog DNP
GCH CH Owlbear Economic Chaos (5 GCh) Owlbear Owner Bitch Best of Opposite Sex
CH Vintage Camilla Vintage Toys Owner Bitch DNP
CH Owlbear How Have You Been Owlbear Owner Dog DNP
CH BSG Cool Offering bsgk5 Owner Bitch DNP
GCH CH Eclipse Princess Diana Eclipse 207 Owner Bitch DNP
CH BSG Perplexing Headboard Loving Family Owner Bitch DNP
GCH CH Owlbear Young Forever Owlbear Owner Bitch DNP

Did you know?
In multi-breed and all-breed shows, the winners of all breeds within the kennel club's breed Groups then compete for Group placements.