Upgrading to Family

In order to upgrade to a family account from either one or multiple standard accounts use the following process:

  • Cancel the subscriptions for any standard accounts you plan to add to your family account.
  • Subscribe for a family account the same way you did for your standard account
  • If you use PayPal, your account will typically be updated within an hour, usually much quicker.
  • Add the Standard, Basic, and new accounts to your family subscription from the Manage Family Account link on your main kennel page.
  • You may get an e-mail stating that your account has expired and been set back to Basic even though your account is still a family account. That happens when your old Standard subscription expires and you should not be alarmed by it.

After successfully creating your first family account, you can create a second account at a reduced rate. In order to receive the reduced rate, you MUST subscribe from the Manage Family Account link in your original account.

If you need any more help, please let us know.

Last Updated: 10/28/2007 1:47:07 AM

Did you know?
The second obedience title is a CDX, or "Companion Dog Excellent", which is earned through competition in the Open obedience class.