happy :) The Best Is Yet To Come happy :)

After a 15 year hiatus, we are back here on ShowDog.com.

***Starting a new venture*** - Going to try for homebred Champion/GrandChampion/UD in every breed.....oh boy!!!!!

**Quest for homebred CH/GrCH/UD Titled Dogs across all my accounts**

ShowDog World Cup Winners
December 2022
Eclipse Blue Fire (TR) - WD & BOB
CH Eclipse Black on Black (TR) - BOS
Eclipse Blu Flame (TR) - WB
January 2023
GCH CH Amoroso Jet Blue (GSP) - BOB
GCH CH Amoroso Ginger Snap (GSP) - BOS
Eclipse Born Wild (GSP) - WB & BOW
Eclipse Night King (TR) - WD
February 2023
GrCH Eclipse Cersei (TR) - BOB
CH Eclipse Blue Lagoon (TR) - BOS
April 2023
GrCh Eclipse Silver Wolf (EMD) - BOS
May 2023
GrCh Eclipse Silver Spoon - BOB
GrCh Eclipse Brindle Fate - BOS
August 2023
GrCh Eclipse Hot Stuff (EMD) - BOB
CH Eclipse Inferno Ring (EMD) - BOB
December 2023
CH Udogs Foreshine (FS) - BOB
Eclipse Roll a Joint (ACD) - WB
January 2024
Eclipse Hot Shower (ACD) - WD
Eclipse Dance of the Dragons (FS) - WB & BOB
Barkinmad Bertpoda (PP) - WB & BOS
Eclipse Sierra vGranity (SI) - WB & BOB
Eclipse Country Boy (SI) - WD & BOS
February 2024
CH Barkinmad Bertpoda (PP) - BOS
Eclipse Silver Peak vBSG (A) - WB
GCH CH Eclipse Dance of the Dragons (FS) - BOB
Eclipse Life Without Parole (SI) - WB
GCH CH Eclipse Born to Run (GSMD) - BOS

happy :)Champions & Obedience Title Holdershappy :)


CH Eclipse Princess Diana - 01/30/24
CH Eclipse Butch Cassidy - 02/01/24

Australian Cattle Dog

CH Eclipse Hookah Lounge - 12/22/23
CH Eclipse Hot Cross Buns - 01/30/24
CH Eclipse Pandora`s Box - 02/01/24
CH Eclipse Hot Shower - 02/08/24

Finnish Spitz

CH Udogs Foreshine - NSBIS -01/23/24
CH Eclipse Dance of the Dragons - 01/31/24 -- NSBIS -02/23/24 -- GrCH - 02/25/24
CH Eclipse Drum Roll Please - 02/22/24

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

CH Eclipse Born To Run - 01/30/24 -- GrCH - 02/15/24
CH Eclipse Krieghoff - 02/05/24 -- GrCH - 02/13/24
CH Eclipse Tri-Star - 02/11/24
CH Eclipse Mercedes - 02/12/24
CH Eclipse Born to Survive - 02/12/24

Portugese Podengo

CH Barkinmad Bertpoda - 02/07/24

Shiba Inu

Eclipse Sierra vGranity - NSBIS 01/22/24 -- CH - 01/31/24
CH Eclipse Sarah vGranity - 02/05/24
CH Eclipse Country Boy - 03/06/24

CH Eclipse Lucifer vCzarina - 11/24/23
CH Eclipse Heaven`s Gate - 12/17/23
Thai Ridgeback
CH Eclipse Anthony - 12/6/22 -- CD - 12/10/22 -- CDX - 01/04/23 -- UD - 01/22/23
CH Gem vEntropy - 12/08/22 -- GrCH - 01/12/23
CH Eclipse Black on Black - 12/25/22
CH Eclipse Blue Fire - 12/31/22
CH Eclipse Black n Blue - 01/05/23 -- GCH - 01/18/23
CH Eclipse Dark Amber -01/06/23 -- National BISS -01/06/23 -- GCH - 01/22/23
CH Eclipse Blue Flame - 01/20/23
CH Eclipse Gunsmoke - 01/22/23
CH Eclipse Night King - 02/02/23 -- GCH - 02/10/23
CH Eclipse Cersei - 02/24/23 -- GCH - 02/11/23
CH Eclipse Blue Lagoon - 02/27/23
CH Eclipse MVP Mahomes - 03/05/23 -- GrCH -03/14/23 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE -03/25/23 -- happy :)happy :)GrChSILVER -04/14/23 -- NSBIS -04/06/23 -- happy :)happy :)happy :)GrChGOLD -05/12/23 -- happy :)BRONZE SIRE -06/03/23 -- happy :)happy :)happy :)happy :)GrChPLATINUM -06/12/23 -- CD -06/16/23 -- CDX -07/14/23 -- UD -08/11/23
CH Eclipse Super Bowl Cheerleader -03/11/23 -- GrCH -03/13/23
CH Eclipse Secret Magic - 03/20/23
CH Eclipse Dire Wolf - 03/23/23
Estrela Mountain Dog
CH Eclipse Winter Wolf of Wyvern - 01/08/23 -- GrCH - 01/17/23 -- happy :)GrCH BRONZE - 02/05/23 -- happy :)GrCH SILVER - 03/04/23
CH Eclipse Celebre-ation - 01/07/23 -- GCH - 01/13/23 -- happy :)GrCH BRONZE - 02/12/23
CH Eclipse Magic v Wyvern - 01/14/23
CH Eclipse Lets Celebre-ate - 02/04/23
CH Eclipse Fly Me to the Moon - 02/02/23
CH Eclipse My Heart v Wyvern - 02/15/23 -- GrCH - 03/03/23
CH Eclipse My Classmate - 02/19/23 -- GrCH - 03/17/23
CH Eclipse Copperfield - 02/19/23
CH Eclipse Nicola - 02/25/23
CH Eclipse Houdini - 02/26/23
CH Eclipse Lakota - 03/01/23
CH Eclipse Sun Wolf vEntropy - 03/04/23
CH Eclipse Maize - 03/07/23
CH Eclipse Head of the Class - 03/13/23
CH Eclipse Steel Driver - 03/27/23 -- GrCH - 04/05/23
CH Eclipse Steel Magnolia - 03/30/23
CH Eclipse Las Vegas Strip - 04/04/23
CH Eclipse Silver Wolf - 04/06/23 -- BISS -EMD Specialty 18 -- GrCH - 04/11/23 - 04/13/23 --NSBIS -04/14/23 --
happy :)GrCH BRONZE - 05/05/23
CH Eclipse Silver Brindle - 04/08/23 -- GrCH - 04/14/23
CH Eclipse Winter In Vegas - 04/09/23
CH Eclipse Silver Bullet - 04/12/23
CH Eclipse Alpha Wolf - 04/23/23
CH Eclipse the Shadow Knows - 04/26/23
CH Eclipse Sunlight - 05/12/23
CH Eclipse Silver Fate - 05/16/23 -- GrCH - 05/23/23
CH Eclipse Brindle Fate - 05/16/23 -- GrCH - 05/21/23
CH Eclipse Mother of Dragons - 05/17/23
CH Eclipse Silver Spoon - 05/17/23 -- GrCH - 05/22/23
CH Eclipse Ring of Silver - 05/21/23
CH Eclipse Through the Woods - 05/25/23
CH Eclipse Shadowdown - 05/26/23
CH Eclipse Silver Song - 05/29/23
CH Eclipse Up Up and Away - 07/07/23
CH Eclipse Silver `n Gold - 07/11/23
CH Eclipse In the Hunt - 07/19/23
CH Eclipse Fateful Night - 07/24/23
CH Eclipse Hot Stuff - 08/08/23 - GrCH - 08/22/23 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE - 09/09/23 -- NSBIS -09/14/23 --
happy :)GrChSILVER - 09/28/23
CH Eclipse Hotshot - 08/10/23
CH Eclipse Too Hot to Handle - 08/21/23
CH Eclipse Shadow of a Wolf - 09/03/23
CH Eclipse Inferno Ring - 09/20/23
CH Eclipse Nights A`blaze - 09/21/23
CH Eclipse Raging Inferno - 09/22/23
CH Eclipse Blazing Saddles - 09/28/23
CH Eclipse Hot Wheels - 10/4/23
German Shepherd
CH Eclipse Kickstart My Heart - 11/21/22 -- GrCH - 01/17/23
German Shorthaired Pointer
CH BSG Freedom Hill - 11/17/22 -- CD - 12/3/22 -- CDX - 12/15/22 -- UD - 12/31/22 -- GCH -01/05/23
CH Eclipse Rise Up - 12/27/22
CH Eclipse Bourbon Straight Up - 01/06/23 -- GCH - 01/13/23
CH Eclipse Tennessee Whiskey - 01/09/23
CH BSG Huckleberry Whiskey - 01/11/23
CH Eclipse Chosen One - 01/14/23 -- GCH - 01/19/23
CH Amoroso Ginger Snap - 01/22/23 -- NSBOS -1/27/23 -- GCH - 1/28/23
GCH Amoroso Jet Blue - NSBIS -1/27/23
Previously on ShowDog.com.....

My first Great Dane litter has produced a 99% SOP. Thanks to Much Loved for the foundation bitch, and Equity Danes for letting me breed to their stud.
Since this first litter, we have produced another 99, a girl we can breed to our boy.
*Great Dane Studs*
BISS Ch. Eclipse Braggin Rights
(completed his championship with three 5 point majors)
Ch. Bregos DD Promise Something
Eclipse Promise Me This
*Currently Being Shown*
Ch. Eclipse Braggin Rights
Eclipse Braggin In Blue
**Noteworthy News**
>>Braggin Rights becomes a Specialty Show Winner.
>>Along with the many, many 98's he has produced, Braggin Rights has also sired several 99's and a 99.5 girl. Best of luck to these kennels with their Braggin' Rights kids.
I do sell to Basics, but please don't go over your 5 dog limit, session your dogs and do not feed Old Boy.
happy :) Quality Begets Quality happy :)

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 28.0 (#411)
Signed Up: 1/1/2003
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: Not Listed
Community Rank: 503rd

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters