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Author Topic : Tornado strikes my home town.
 Little River Dog
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5/10/2008 3:07:05 PM reply with quote send message to Little River Dog Object to Post   

Well Thrusday down here we had a tonado go though and tear up some stuff in our town. Luckily everyone escaped with their life and only a few injured though this is our first tornado in ages so it is quite a thing here it tore up our Lowe's hardwear store and a big chunk out of our funiture market building. It through a 18-wheeler in our wal-mart also I believe.

Here is a list of other effects

- Two houses and two businesses with major damage.

- Five houses and six businesses with minor damage.

- Six houses with affected - or slight - damage.

- Three houses with flooding.

- Downed trees and power lines throughout the county.

We just re-received connection yesterday and I have just gotten around to posting today. But just though i would share what happend to us this week.

-Ande @ Little River GSDs

 Lotsa Love Kennels
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5/10/2008 3:09:42 PM reply with quote send message to Lotsa Love Kennels Object to Post

awww,ande!Im glad everyone made it okay!I hope all the dogs were safe and sound as well!

Best of wishes with the clean up!
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5/17/2008 5:25:54 PM reply with quote send message to PuppyLover93 Object to Post

I live in Tornado Alley so i know how u feel!
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5/17/2008 5:29:29 PM reply with quote send message to foreversummer Object to Post


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