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Topic Author Replies Last Post
open topic GCH CH Traiag Blue Birds Over has earned the title of Bronze Dam. admin 0 8/9/2021 4:59:57 AM
open topic Ch Pekellen Forever Your Girl has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 8/8/2021 1:18:29 AM
open topic Ch Traiag Last To The Ball has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 8/5/2021 1:15:05 AM
open topic GCH CH Jidokey Lady Windermere has earned the title of Bronze Dam. admin 0 8/1/2021 4:59:56 AM
open topic GCH CH Jidokey Bentley has earned the title of Bronze Sire. admin 0 7/6/2021 4:59:11 AM
open topic GCH CH Keeskee Diamonds And Pearls has earned the title of Bronze Sire. admin 0 7/4/2021 4:59:22 AM
open topic Ch Pekellen Percival has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/4/2021 1:11:18 AM
open topic Ch Pekellen Affection has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/2/2021 8:16:32 AM
open topic Ch Pekellen Scandal has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/30/2021 2:41:32 PM
open topic GCH CH Pekellen Love Remembered has earned the title of Bronze Dam. admin 0 6/26/2021 4:58:38 AM
open topic Ch Sandchape Buster has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/22/2021 1:19:18 AM
open topic GCH Sandchape Adoration has earned the title of Gold Grand Champion. admin 0 6/22/2021 1:19:04 AM
open topic Ch Jidokey Bella Donna has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/21/2021 1:25:17 AM
open topic Ch Pekellen Daytime Lover has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/21/2021 1:24:57 AM
open topic Ch Jidokey Astoria has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/13/2021 1:22:25 AM
open topic Ch Sandchape Murdoch has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/13/2021 1:22:10 AM
open topic Ch Traiag Cher has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/5/2021 1:23:08 AM
open topic Ch Pekellen Florence has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/5/2021 1:23:02 AM
open topic Ch Traiag Congo has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 6/5/2021 1:22:54 AM
open topic Ch HH Trumpton Lad has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 5/31/2021 1:30:32 AM

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Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.