GCH Xizang Foghorn Leghorn

Call Name: (BISSx2 BISx1)
Registration: #18643156
Birthdate: 12/26/2023 9:19:32 PM (296 days old)
Breed: Tibetan Terrier
Sex: Altered Male
Owner/Breeder: XiZang
Finished By: XiZang (2/21/2024)
GCH Finished By: XiZang (3/9/2024)
COI: 14.96%     Generation: 173
Ration: Old Boy Generic Dog Food

Genetic Quality [99.50]
Head Forequarter Hindquarter Gait Top Neck & Back
10.0 9.8 10.2 10.0 9.9
Coat Size Temperament Show Shine Feet
10.0 9.8 10.1 20.0 10.0

Health, Obedience, and Training Quality
Show Obedience Condition Muscle Tone Coat Condition
20 11 5 2
Pedigree of GCH CH Xizang Foghorn Leghorn
STL Evil Valley
STL Valley Best
STL Besting
STL Beastly Chicken
STL Unholy Star
STL Unholy Chicken
STL Marble Chicken
Generation 173
STL Evil Valley
STL Valley Best
STL Besting
Xizang Tip Top
STL Rocky
Xizang Tippi Hedren
Xizang AsGoodAsBad
Show Stats
Finishing Date 2/21/2024
1st in Class 12
Best of Breed 33
Best in Group 4
Best in Specialty Show 2
Best in Show 1
Breed Beaten 227
Group Beaten 1,674
All Beaten 4,780
Grand Points 92
Earnings $556

Top Show Results
March 2024 Showdog.com World Cup
2nd in Show · 3/31/2024
February 2024 Showdog.com World Cup
4th in Group · 2/29/2024
April 2024 Showdog.com World Cup
Best in Breed · 4/30/2024
Clear Run 46
2nd in Show · 3/24/2024
Winter Park 4/7 All-Breed Show
Best in Show · 4/7/2024
Clwyds March 29th All Breed Show
2nd in Group · 3/29/2024
Solcintra All Breed 95
2nd in Group · 4/17/2024
Fall Leaves 178
3rd in Group · 3/9/2024
ZTSM Show 11
2nd in Group · 2/23/2024
Canmore4 All-Breed 24-02-17
4th in Group · 2/17/2024