Call Name: (show)
Registration: #18793161
Birthdate: 5/16/2024 10:32:34 AM (154 days old)
Breed: Welsh Springer Spaniel
Sex: Bitch
Owner: Loving Family
Breeder: Ballroom
Finished By: Ballroom (7/24/2024)
COI: 8.25%     Generation: 168
Ration: Super Duper Adult Formula

Genetic Quality [98.05]
Head Forequarter Hindquarter Gait Top Neck & Back
9.8 10.2 9.8 9.9 9.6
Coat Size Temperament Show Shine Feet
9.8 9.6 9.7 20.0 9.7

Health, Obedience, and Training Quality
Show Obedience Condition Muscle Tone Coat Condition
20 20 20 20
Pedigree of CH BR Bam
White Birch Green Green Grass
White Birch Bright Red Star
White Birch Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau
BR Crusader
White Birch Fire In My Heart
BR Carla
White Birch Catatonia
Generation 168
White Birch New South Wales
White Birch Brother
White Birch Know Our Name
BR Starlight
White Birch Fire In My Heart
BR Ell
White Birch Catatonia
Show Stats
Finishing Date 7/24/2024
1st in Class 7
Best of Breed 3
Best in Group 0
Best in Specialty Show 0
Best in Show 0
Breed Beaten 39
Group Beaten 39
All Beaten 39
Grand Points 4
Why isn't this dog a Grand Champion?
Earnings $34

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