Obedience Results - Utlity Class

Qualified Scores | Non Qualified Scores
Rank Dog Name Signal Scent
Directed Retrieve MovSt & Exam Directed Jumping Misc Points Off Total Score


BA Good As Gold
Australian Cattle Dog - BlackAssassin
2 2 0 0 0 -6 194


Alphas spotted fireman
Dalmatian - Farie Spryte Kennel
2 3 0 0 0 -8 192


Ambition Royal Flame
Irish Setter - AmbitionIrish
4 4.5 0 0 0 -13 187


Madra Happy Camper
German Shorthaired Pointer - Madra
3.5 5 0 0 0 -13.5 186.5


NorthStars Turn Me Loose
Whippet - Fairbank Whippets
2.5 7 0 0 0 -16.5 183.5


BRK Kickstart My Heart
Doberman Pinscher - K9semperfi
2.5 7.5 0 0 0 -17.5 182.5


All I want is sweet bubilgum
English Springer Spaniel - Maine Kennels
4 8 0 0 0 -20 180

Abbreviation Meanings

HOL - Heal on Leash
SFE - Stand for Exam
HF - Heel Free
LS - Long Sit
LD - Long Down
Misc - Miscellaneous Penalties
Max - Maximum Score

SQL = select * from events where show = 'BlackAssassin Trial III' and total > 10.0 and class = 'Utility A' order by total desc

Did you know?
Judges are generally certified to judge one or several breeds, usually in the same group, but a few "all-breed" judges have the training and experience to judge large numbers of breeds.