
Welcome to Jujupup Kennels... You'll find all the fine Dobermans you need here!

Head Dogs...My Dogs.

~*When you see the JJP, you'll know the dog was bred by me!*~

General Info--

I do Doberman pinschers...I am always excited about upcoming breeds.
Other showing info!! Currently, I do Doberman pinschers. I can make banners for myself (I think) of good Dobes, so thanks anyways! I must give a lot of credit to Welsh Corgi Kennels, she's a great banner designer and owns a great kennel!

I hate Old Boy Generic Dog Food. If you are an Old Boy user please don't make any offers on my dogs. You can change the ration you have by clicking on the dog you want and choosing "Change ration". There, you'll have a list of GOOD food for dogs!
But if you are source-breeding, using Old Boy is fine. Same with going "halvsies".

I do not lease bitches to anyone. Since I'm not acquanted with any of you, (generally), I'm afraid I can't trust many people that I'll get my female back.

About My Pups--

Most of the time I've got a full house of pups either settling in and changing stats or already settled with (hopefully! Lol!) excellent stats. I FH any dogs not capable of producing nice puppies and getting points in the ring. The puppies I do happen to have are for selling or keeping. I allow people to offer on a pup at the age of eleven days. Then, I'll know which puppies I want to keep for myself. The rest of the eleven-day-olds, which will be categorized into the "For Sale" section, you are allowed to offer on.


I'm friendly to everyone, so if you have a question about my kennel or about the game, just ask (I'm Basic-Friendly!)! Or, if you just want to chat about something I wrote in the forums or just anything, I'd love that!

P.S. Pink banner of the two Dobes made by Welsh Corgi Kennels, a great friend! Pay her a visit! She's got tons of good show dogs in her kennel!!

Thank you! Feel free to look around at my dogs or E-Mail me.

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#17,024)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 9/15/2008
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 6/27/2010

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters