

#1 Chinese Crested Dog kennel on SD

Here at Spelkraft, you will be bewitched by the quality produced. Striving for adhering to the breed standard, while showcasing the breed's remarkable and unique traits along with longevity and health.

What sets Spelkraft apart from the rest?
* I strive to produce the best I possibly can. If I think a litter is mediocre, they will be FH'd, and no puppies under the average finishable SOP will ever be sold.
* I only breed proven dogs and bitches. Meaning, the dogs and bitches who are at stud or produce litters have proven themselves in the show ring by being Champions. Some exceptions.
* I carefully plan litters. I do not mass produce puppies, so no, I do not always have some available but you are more than welcome to message me about my future endeavors. I take my time in looking over pedigrees, and COI percentages.

On occasion, singleton breeds or random dogs can be found at Spelkraft. I enjoy showing, regardless of the individual dog's breed.


BISS Ch. Spelkrafts Sonya
Dog - Chocolate Sable Hairless - 83.90 SOP
Stud Fee: $100

* FIRST Chinese Crested grand champion
* Aug. 2011 Chinese Crested Dog BISS Winner
* 3x Best in Group & multiple Toy Group placer
* Multiple BOB Winner over Specials
* Top Chinese Crested for Aug. 2011


Pups/Dogs Sold

* No puppies sold will be under the current average SOP.
* Most puppies sold will be placed for sale with approval.
* All puppies or dogs sold from my line will be named with the kennel brand.
* If I sell you a puppy or a dog, do not FH it later on. Let me know if you do not want the dog anymore, I will buy it back.


* Finishing and campaigning services are available, I will only take on 3-5 dogs maximum. Contact if you are interested, I will let you know if a slot is available.

Contact me for inquiries about future breeding plans.


Big thank you to Genesis Kennels for the lovely banner.

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#1,984)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 7/25/2010
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 2/14/2014

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters