Raynebeaux Kennels

I have noticed that alot of pit-bull oriented posts have been brought up lately, so I thought this would be the perfect time to ask for your help by signing a petition. Denver, Colorado, my hometown, has one of the most enforced Pit Bull Bans in the Country.

Imagine police and animal control show up at your home. They tell you that your dog, who never hurt anyone is considered viscious by the city governement, and then they take it from you and KILL IT. This is actually happening in Denver Colorado. The city of Denver has killed over 800 (Update - it's now Over 1100) dogs merely because they were, or looked like pit bull terriers. Most were not dogs that harmed people, and many of these dogs were people's pets.

My good friend Todd set up this petition and although we are already past our 2,000 signature mark, I think we could really open the eyes of the city if we pushed it as far as we can.

Although I don't own any Pit Bulls or Pit Bull types.. I love the breed with all my heart and I would own one if it weren't for this ban. Please help Denver's Pit Bull lovers out here.


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Signed Up: 5/11/2007
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 4/1/2008

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