
Thank you Far Fetched Kennels for this... I don't even know the words type banner!

Hey this is Schmidty in my Dalmation and Cavalier King Charles Spainel kennel!

My Prices are fair but will change as the breed changes, I NEVER sell a puppy or dog that I don't believe will finish. I also AM BASIC FRIENDLY. My studs are also fairly priced and are all up for studhappy :)

My Code

! = 1
@ = 2
# = 3
$ = Sell
% = 4
^ = 6
* = 9
, = 7
< = 8
| = 5
.| = .5
} = 0
G(# goes here) = Group Placed that many times
S " " = Show Placed that many times
BREED = Breeder
SpTr = Speacial Traits
SpPc = Speacialty Placer
SpW = Speacialty Winner
HD? = Hidden Decimals?

Please email me with questions or concerns.

Check out my website of my kennels, also has photos of my shih tzus and cavaliers and if I find time to go to a show some pictures of breeds and I also give out helpful tips!

Come Again Soon!!

Check out all my pics here! - - With winter on the way I'm getting a new camera and some more pictures will be loaded!

Thank you Gypsy Mirage for this amazing banner!

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#514,970)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 10/14/2005
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 2/7/2007

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters