Breed Rankings

Breed rankings are calculated on how many other dogs of the same breed  your kennel has beaten in the past month. Breed rankings are separate from "Kennel Prestige Rankings".

Group and show wins to do not count towards breed rankings.

Sometimes a kennel may only have one dog of your breed showing, but if it is doing very well "in breed" or beating many other dogs in the breed, that kennel may be top of the breed rankings.

Similarly, because breed rankings are calculated over the past month, kennels who no longer have any dogs in your particular breed, may still be listed in the kennel rankings.

Last Updated: 9/15/2011 1:28:08 AM

Did you know?
Since its centenary year in 1991, Crufts has officially been recognised as the world's largest and most prestigious dog show by the Guinness Book of Records, with a total of 22,973 dogs being exhibited that year.